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About us

Le Grain Inc, Lycée d’Elig Essono Alumni Association, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that was incorporated in the USA February 2020 and achieved 501 (C) (3) status in June 2020. The Association is also in process of being incorporated in Cameroon. This association brings together the former students of the first, second, third and fourth promotion of what was once the CES of Elig Essono which became Lycée d’Elig Essono. These members resident in different countries including in Cameroon, United State of America, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo.

The association since its creation has been entirely managed by an executive committee whose members are volunteers. The executive board implements decisions taken by the general assembly which meets virtually every three months. The executive office relies on consultancy services to implement the activities set out in the action plan and the budget is approved once a year by the general assembly.

Strategic documents including (1) a By Laws, (2) a conflict-of-interest management policy document, (3) an administrative, financial, and accounting procedure manual, and (4) a code of ethics was developed between June 2019 and July 2021 and adopted by the general assembly. These documents underline the commitment of the alumni association to serve and involve alumni in the life of the Lycée Elig Essono. Through this involvement, the Lycée d’Elig Essono will continue to grow stronger and better serve its students and the society in general that it attempts to serve. With alumni invested in the high school’s learning, discovery and engagement missions, the light of the Lycée d’Elig Essono will shine even brighter in the years to come.

Our administrative, financial, and accounting procedures manual as well as our By Laws describe our vision, our missions, and our fundamental values. Each of these statements embodies the belief that alumni are a key part of the Lycée’s continued success as a first plan secondary educational institution that they have helped shape


To bring together classmates of the first, second, third and fourth promotions dispatched around the world, Christian Bilong was inspired to create in August 2014, a WhatsApp platform. The students of what was being called at that time CSE d’Eli-Essono, had created a football stadium adjacent to the playground which they named LE SHABA

The name Shaba is given to the WhatsApp platform, in memory of this mythical stadium. Our objective was to promote these first promotions of the CSE d’Elig Essono

The idea germinated of course, but the philosophy underlying this platform did not last and so, under the leadership of Emmanuel Njeuhmeli, will be born under the ashes of Shaba, on October 24, 2019, an association called Le GRAIN, eponymous name in reference to the CES newspaper at the time. It is the start of a new adventure.

The association must already be (re) positioned, based on a well-structured framework, to perpetuate certain undeniable achievements of SHABA, in particular a vision as well as integrating missions, values ​​and objectives. It is in this momentum that we will create many viable projects for this legendary high school located in the heart of the city of Yaoundé in Cameroun.

The association must already be (re) positioned, based on a well-structured framework, to perpetuate certain undeniable achievements of SHABA, in particular a vision as well as integrating missions, values ​​and objectives. It is in this momentum that we will create many viable projects for this legendary high school located in the heart of the city of Yaoundé in Cameroun.

Consultations were held to lead to a new WhatsApp platform to facilitate exchanges. The constitutive assembly of March 14, 2020, in the wake will vote on an executive committee; with the added bonus of specifications followed by the development of an action plan. In February 2021, Le Grain was legalized first in the USA with the goal of also become legalized in Cameroon

Le Grain Inc was born from the common desire to create a group based on the heritage of the camaraderie and the friendships. It is also an aggregate of several personal experiences and various life paths of its members.

The Grain cannot be an inert unproductive mass on a favorable soil.

Le Grain Inc wants to be a ground of mobilization of all the positive energies resulting from the first promotions of the CES D’Elig-Essono in the service of the collective development of its members and that of the actors of the young generation of the Lycée d’Elig-Essono.


The missions of Le Grain Inc are to:

1. Contribute to the regrouping and development in a spirit of solidarity and development of CES alumni from the first to the fourth generation.

2. Through its members, promote various activities and actions for the development of the benchmark academic establishment and of the young generation who will stay there.

3. Create a living environment.


The Objectives of the Grain:

1. Create non-profit apolitical framework to discus and finance social projects

2.  Create a framework for bringing together childhood friends for the sharing of memories, and the exchange on economic, sports, scientific, social news on the globe 

3.  Strengthen the bonds of fraternity, friendships between the 1st to the 4th generation of the CES of Elig-Essono promotions

4.  Strengthen mutual aid between members of the 1st to 4th generation of the CES of Elig-Essono


Our commitment and our actions are based, above all, on the values ​​of mutual respect, solidarity, development, and mutual aid.

These values ​​are constitutive of the identity of Le Grain Inc. We share them with all the women and men who compose it and more generally with all our partners.

A non-profit organization, the association Le Grain Inc. works with respect for strict political, ethnic, and religious impartiality, according to the principles of non-discrimination and transparency, and the values ​​of responsibility, impact, entrepreneurship, and inspiration.

These values ​​are broken down as follows:

1.   Mutual respect

Mutual respect constitutes one of the foundations of social peace and interpersonal relations within Le Grain Inc. Respect supposes an understanding and a sharing of values ​​between the adherent members of Le Grain.

2.   Solidarity

Feeling of a moral duty towards the other members of Le grain, based on the identity of situation, of interests. Solidarity is traditionally a social duty or a reciprocal obligation of help and assistance or of gracious collaboration that exists between the members of Le Grain Inc. because of the bond that unites them. It is also the obligation to make common cause, to act in the general interest of Le Grain Inc.

3.   Development

Le Grain Inc. intends to build on the knowledge and multiple experiences of its members to develop, support, implement and evaluate projects aimed at improving the working conditions of students and teachers at the Lycée d’Elig-Essono.

4.   Mutual aid

As for mutual aid, it is a natural and free help that the members of Le Grain give themselves to overcome their difficulties, to face the problems which they are confronted in their life. Mutual aid is helping each other. Illness, divorce, the death of a loved one, for example, are difficult situations that affect us all at one time or another.


Our organizational culture in Le Grain defines and creates a unique environment in which we meet and grow together. It defines what the behavior of each active member should be and how they should interact with the rest of the group. It also defines what you think of Le Grain

There are four well-known types of organizational culture: clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market. They go from internal to external when it comes to integration and focus. They also range from an environment of stability and control to an environment of flexibility and discretion.

Le Grain’s organizational culture is that of a “Clan – Doing Things Together”.

The executive board’s principle is to always use the participatory principle in decision-making and to set up an environment that allows all members regardless of the level of education, in society, or financial resources to feel at home with the family.

The Board is intended to serve the members and not the members at the service of the board.

In this clan culture, people have a lot in common and it feels like part of a big family. Leaders are seen as mentors and / or a father figure, which promotes loyalty and high commitment from members. The main values ​​are teamwork, communication, consensus, and development.

We focus on mentoring, education, but more importantly, it’s all done together.

Le Grain’s organizational chart shows an executive office with 9 positions and three committees to support the executive office in decision-making in accordance with our By Laws, our conflict-of-interest management document, our administrative and financial procedures manual. and accounting and our code of ethics.

organigrame sans nom
new organigramme

The Executive Team Members


Atlanta, GA – USA

Eric Landry Ekobeni

Eric Landry EKOBENI

Vice president
Middletown, DE – USA

Pascale madeleine

Pascale Madeleine NDJIKI

Project Manager
Representative of Le Grain in Cameroon
Yaounde, Cameroon

Isaac justin Mabouth

Isaac Justin MABOUTH

General Secretary
Yaounde, Cameroon

Amelie Rosette

Amelie Rosette YOUMBI

Deputy General Secretary
Maroua, Cameroon

Le Grain

Vacancy Job

Communications Officer

Herve Ouambo


Sandow, United KINGDOM

Carine Aimee Meilon

Carine Aimee MEILLON

Deputy Treasurer
Washington, DC USA

francis Patrick Kouesseu

Francis Patrick KOUESSEU

Internal auditor
Douala, Cameroon